Если вдруг кто не смотрел, очень рекомендую этот спектакль театра Маяковского, я на волне своей любви к Лобоцкому его смотрела. Остались приятные воспоминания.
27.04.2016 в 16:31
Пишет Bri:Я смотрю, сюжеты в мире не просто окончились, а прямо вообще окончились.
Снимают сиквел "Ромео и Джульетты". Сиквел!
Written by Heather Mitchell based on the book by Melinda Taub, Still Star-Crossed is set in 16th century Verona and picks up where William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet left off. Because of the premise, both Romeo and Juliet are guest-starring roles in the pilot, which charts the treachery, palace intrigue and ill-fated romances of the Montagues and Capulets in the wake of the young lovers’ tragic fate.
The story centers on Rosaline (Lashana Lynch), a gorgeous, intelligent and headstrong Capulet and Juliet’s cousin who is ordered to marry Benvolio (Wade Briggs), a Montague. Regular cast also includes Zuleikha Robinson, Anthony Head, Grant Bowler, Torrance Coombs and Ebonée Noel. Filming of the pilot starts this week in Spain.
URL записиСнимают сиквел "Ромео и Джульетты". Сиквел!
Written by Heather Mitchell based on the book by Melinda Taub, Still Star-Crossed is set in 16th century Verona and picks up where William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet left off. Because of the premise, both Romeo and Juliet are guest-starring roles in the pilot, which charts the treachery, palace intrigue and ill-fated romances of the Montagues and Capulets in the wake of the young lovers’ tragic fate.
The story centers on Rosaline (Lashana Lynch), a gorgeous, intelligent and headstrong Capulet and Juliet’s cousin who is ordered to marry Benvolio (Wade Briggs), a Montague. Regular cast also includes Zuleikha Robinson, Anthony Head, Grant Bowler, Torrance Coombs and Ebonée Noel. Filming of the pilot starts this week in Spain.